Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I finally started my own Twilight blog!

I am completely new to Blogger.

I have read the Twilight series just once, but I am in LOVE with those books! I am about halfway through Eclipse now (trying to bide my time while waiting for Breaking Dawn), and I am VERY excited for the movie (Robert Pattinson! WOOT!)!

Well, I better go. Going to see Billy Joel tonight! Yes!



Unknown said...

Yay! I love Twilight! Read the series twice, and finally found another person who loves Rob Pattinson! Oh, and i just ot The Host, and would definitely recommend reading it!

Rachel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rachel said...

That looks really good!
Keep up the good work


kitkat4me said...

please post something!

darksoulwithbrightheart said...

ohmigosh i LOVE, no i WORSHIP these books! ! ! Stephanie Meyer is amazing! ! ! ! ! My fav books in saga are New Moon and Breaking Dawn. You should be really excited for the new book ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Visit one of my many blogs at www.photoraphyroxmyworld.blogspot.com. (there is one for book mainly twilight but i cant think of its name) I really like your blog and i will be looking frward to more posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jane [Cullen] said...

OME!! (o my edward) I LOVE THE TWILIGHT BOOKS!! THEY ARE THE BEST BOOKS IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE! I'M SERIOUS!!! I HAVE READ THEM ALL LIKE 3 TIMES AND IVE READ TWILIGHT 4 TIMES! Oh, and I'm read the books over again, so soon it will be 5 time for Twilight and 4 times for the rest of the books!! Are you an Edward or a Jacob?
look at my blog,
I'm starting to add twilight things and for now on its going to be mostly about the Twilight Saga updates.


Ms.Awsome said...

Oh he he,
I am Samantha awesome and I opened my blog not that long ago on the Twilight saga....
-samantha awesome

MadMea said...

I love twilight too. are you gonna update your blog?

Jacqueline said...

I love Twilight a lot too! :D
Currently saving money to buy the books :x

Mimi said...

I would love to see another post! This blog could be really cool. I love Twilight!

Anonymous said...

omg! i luv twilight 2!!!
r u gonna post any other posts?
anywayz 4 more twilight stuff go 2 my blog at twilightluver111@blogspot.com

Will said...

Hi! What's happening with the site? Do more!


Book Reviews said...


The movie was okay too, but the books were better. And I LOVE Breaking Dawn!! I can't wait for the New Moon Movie to come out!!!!!!!!!!

Lina said...

Of course the books are so much better. Loved Twilight since 2005!

MissTokioHotel said...

Pretty cool! I love the Twilight saga, but I hate Edward for ditching Bella...I prefer Jacob Black!

Unknown said...

You know, you took the blog name that everyone wants and the one that I wanted to use, and you're not even using the damn blog. What the hell?

Federico Zarco said...

I am waiting for the 2nd part of the movie.
Federico Zarco. Surreal Artist.

Em said...

are you ever gonna add a new post?
for recent Twilight gossip and opinions visit twilightsaga12.blogspot.com

Thea said...

wow. im quils best fried/gf. and jacobs bud. beat that!!
-twilight werewolf luvr
things for the werewolf luvrs out there to do:
-shun the vamps
-be nice to Renessme
-smack edward-hard!
-go cliff diving with j.b. and the pack
-always, Always, ALWAYS obey the alpha (but you can mouth off alot)
-always be nice to your pets!
-laugh at vampz
-if you hav vamp luvver friendz, dats kool, but remind them that werewolves r better.
~Hasta lavista~
from a spanish speaking werewolf
dun dun dduuunnn
p.s. if you provoke the volturi, dont tell them that you arent a real werewolf, one of the children of the moon, so dont phase infront of them. l8r peepz

Anonymous said...

I love twilight!!! I am reading twilight now and in love with it. It dserves a Newerry Medal!!!!!!!

Sofia Dawson said...

i luv Twilight & R Patz 2! check out my blog www.luvingtwilight.blogspot.com

nsyakirahs said...

Robert Pattinson is such a pruner in the book,but in the movie he is such an [eeew] guy.......

anyways visit my blog at princesspinkof97.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

I have read the Twilight saga, but the host is so good too! Hopefully she comes out with another amazing book.

Payden. (:

Sydney Lynn said...

Hey! tWILIGHT ROCKS. Please keep posting on this blog. I want more about it!!! LOVE it.

Face Punch said...

Hi! I can see you did not post for a long time, please do!!! We are all waiting.
My friend and I have a youtube channel and a blog for Twilight series!
I will tell you the youtube channel in my blog.

DisneyActress said...

Thanks for all your nice comments! I'm getting back in the blogging game now! :D

Lady GaGa Anonymous said...

why do you have the soul of a 66 year old gay man? your messed up